Four Ways the Oil & Gas Industry Can Stay Vigilant During COVID-19

By Nick Virchow, west region solutions manager

We want to thank all the men and women keeping our nation safe, comfortable and healthy, particularly in the oil and gas industry where propane tank monitoring and back-up generators are more critical than ever. During these difficult times, the oil and gas industry is heavily relied upon and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you!

As a global company, Anova will be utilizing all resources and information outlets to share essential knowledge to minimize any roadblocks or burdens for our partners. We are all in this battle together, however, we can help you – we’re here to listen.

As we’ve engaged with our suppliers these last few weeks, a handful of key topics have continued to trend – and if our suppliers are looking for guidance, we’re sure others are as well. We’ve turned to our new best friend, technology, to share as much insight, guidance and best practices that we can offer to all our partners during this time.

1. Bulk Plants and Satellite Stations

With many of our offices closed to non-essential employees, it is crucial that you have accurate forecasting data on your bulk sites. Eliminating short fill costs and runouts on transport loads can mean the difference between hundreds, if not THOUSANDS, of dollars per delivery. Effectively utilizing monitors, degree day and K-factor forecasting, are all essential during these times.

2. Customer Interactions, meet Social Distancing

It is becoming progressively more challenging, and oftentimes impossible, to engage with your customers right now. In some cases, customer service reps are working remotely, or not at all. Drivers are restricted from entering homes or businesses and essential services are demanding your service techs’ undivided attention. There are limited opportunities to interact with your customers.  With our fully customized customer-facing app, MyTank, you can:

    • Share inventory levels
    • Set customized alerts to notify customers when thresholds have been met at their tank(s)
    • Send information digitally with customized recipient lists
    • Track customer response to evaluate the effectiveness of your message
    • Eliminate OOG with Will Call Customers
    • Offer links via mobile app to pay bills and sign documents
    • Receive delivery or service requests via mobile app

3. Essential Customers

While every customer is important, there are certain customers that have a much higher risk during a run-out and are ESSENTIAL, such as:

Diesel or propane-powered generators are critical to hospitals, first responders, adult care facilities, supermarkets, cell towers, and many more. These are low consumption customers that are easy to miss unless monitored. There is little to no forecasting ability and once the generator is powered up, the consumption is typically very high.

Dispensers and forklift operations are another critical piece of your business. Warehouses are running non-stop in certain industries and shut down in others. Having real-time data on these systems can be crucial to your business and theirs. The same can be said for retail dispensers. We have seen a huge uptick in dispenser gallons since the first of March, credited to remote working stations and employees being quarantined to their home.

Home heating – With the closing of offices and schools, households are using much more gas across the country. Degree Day and K-Factor cannot adjust to these variables in their forecasting model, making it very difficult to be safe, efficient and profitable during these times

4. Motor Fuel, Oil and Lubes – Reduction in demand

While in quarantine, we will continue to see these markets suffer a loss of demand. Efficiency is crucial in these times to keep profits high without price-gouging. With the exception of a few verticals in this market that seem to be unphased at this time, such as agriculture and construction, the bulk of our market is going to see a huge hit on consumption. There is no time like the present to operate more safe, efficient, and profitably, knowing that we are going to come out of this stronger than before.

Anova is here to help. If you have any questions or inquiries on how to remain vigilant during the COVID-19 pandemic, please reach out to your Anova customer support representative or get in touch –

From your partners at Anova – stay safe, stay healthy, #StayHome.


